Open Joint Stock Company Nordea Bank is a part of Nordea Banking Group – one of the largest financial services group in Europe with a Headquarter in Stockholm.
Nordea ranks 43d by capital among the world largest credit institutions and 24-th among «Worlds’s 50 Safest Banks 2012».
Nordea has 11 million customers and 1 000 branches.
The Nordea share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX, the exchanges in Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm.
Open Joint Stock Company Nordea Bank has been operating in the financial services sector since 1994.
Got 5 stars top rating as a bank with the highest credibility (Forbes 2012) OJSC Nordea Bank - Best Russian bank in nomination «For the high quality of customer service» in 2011 (Association of Russian Banks).
Nordea Bank is growing as a universal bank offering a wide range of products and services for corporate and retail customers.
The Bank is a part of Nordea, a European banking group.
OJSC Nordea Bank is one of TOP30 Russian banks by assets and capital.
Nordea Bank is growing as a universal bank offering a wide range of products and services for corporate and retail customers.