Open joint stock company “Nordea Bank” is a part of Nordea Group, a European banking group having headquarters in Stockholm. “Nordea Bank” has been working in Russia since 1994 and ranks among 30 largest banks in Russia in terms of assets and capital.
By the starting to work with Clearway Integration Nordea Bank has been working successfully in 11 regions of Russia maintaining 10 separate IT infrastructures.
Decentralized model of managing Bank’s IT resources reduced overall work efficiency and increased labor input for administrating. IT specialists of Nordea Bank also realized that they had to maintain excessive amount of equipment and wanted to optimize usage of hardware by means of consolidation project.
According to managers of IT department of Nordea Bank, work within international holding structure imposes certain requirements in terms of deployment and monitoring standards and quality. It is permanently required to interact with international Nordea Group in terms of integration of IT systems and processes. Lack of unified, transparent and manageable infrastructure made difficult to meet requirements of headquarters. The obvious solution of this problem was to restructure informational systems that allowed deploying centralized management, preparing platform for deployment of centralized services, improving availability and fault tolerance and finally reducing operating costs.
Specialists of Clearway Integration had proposed the concept of solution and had developed architecture of unified mail system, monitoring and management systems, active directory and related components.
In the course of several projects the unified centralized IT infrastructure was deployed and all Bank’s branches were migrated into this IT infrastructure. Migration was performed using unique organizational and technical solutions developed by experts of Clearway Integration, thus ensuring maximum transparency for end users.
Migration has involved about 1500 employees of the Bank at 18 geographically spread sites, their workstations and mailboxes, at that the idle time of each user was minimized and business processes and informational systems of the Bank were not stopped. All migration procedures were performed from a single console and did not require visits of specialists to regional sites.
The project has resulted in unified, scalable and manageable environment, which allows increasing reliability and manageability and reducing operational and capital costs.